Tips for Homeowners
Great advice to keep your lawn looking its best
Americans Love Their Lawns
According to an online survey commissioned by the National Association of Landscape Professionals and conducted by Harris Poll in May 2015, 83% of (need a source for this article to ensure it hasn’t been copied) Americans think having a yard is important. And, 91% percent of Americans want to live in an area where they can see or walk to nice landscaping. Thus, if you want the best chance of increasing the home prices in your neighborhood, make sure the landscaping looks good.
Nice Landscaping Helps to Sell Your Home
Of those polled, 84% say that the quality of a home’s landscaping would affect their decision about whether or not to buy. Great neighborhood landscaping helps, but it isn’t enough; yours needs to look good too.
Your Neighbors Care What Your Yard Looks Like
71% percent think it is important that their neighbors have well-maintained yards. Perhaps “good landscaping makes good neighbors” should be the new adage.
We Want to Enjoy our Yards
As much as 75% of people feel that it is important to spend time outside in their yards.
Even Millennials Want to Spend Time in their Yard
A recent survey found 75% of Millennials (18–34-year olds) think spending time outside in their yards is important.
People Want Help with their Landscape
A large majority of Americans (67%) agree that professional landscape help would allow them to have a nicer yard.
Lawns Clean the Air
“A well-watered and fertilized lawn is a carbon sink. If people recycle the grass clippings, leaving them to decompose on the lawn, the U.S. lawn area could store up to 37 billion pounds of carbon each year.”
–Christina Milesa, NASA Ames Research Center
Lawns Are Really Cool!
Turfgrass and shade both reduce energy use by 20% to 30% compared with rock-based landscaping. In a study of energy used for cooling residences, shade alone reduced energy use 24.3% and turfgrass alone reduced use 19.8%. (McPherson, Simpson, Livingston. 1989. Effects of three landscape treatments on residential energy and water use in Tucson, Arizona)
Lawns Produce Oxygen
“55 Square feet of turfgrass provides enough oxygen for one person for an entire day.”
–Dr. Thomas Watschke, Penn State University.
Lawns Reduce Stormwater Run-off
A lawn’s filtration system is so effective, rain-water filtered through a healthy lawn is as much as 10 times less acidic than water running off a hard surface. Much less water volume also runs off a lawn than hard surface area.
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